Parent Tips To Get Financial Aid For College

We are here to help families minimize the time, energy, and stress associated with the financial aid for college process.

Financial aid upper income

What If I Earn Too Much for Financial Aid?

Some parents find themselves in the position in which they’re earning too much for need-based financial aid.

College funding application

Negotiating After the Financial Aid Offer Letter

The challenge for parents lies in the process of negotiation after the financial aid offer is received.

Get cost of College

Quantifying The Cost of College

The formula that quantifies how much you will have to pay for college is actually quite simple and quite complicated at the same time.


More Than One Child in College

For financial aid planning do you/will you have more than one child in college at a time?

Financial Aid for divorced parents

Financial Aid for Divorced or Separated Families

Let’s discuss financial aid for you if your family situation doesn’t fit into the “norm.”

Financial aid for private Colleges

Private College Can Be Close to Public College Costs

Parents are often surprised that the net cost for the private universities is not too dissimilar to the net cost for the public universities.