Ike Bircher
Hi, my name is Isaiah, but you can call me Ike. Hard work and the school of hard knocks could explain my life up to this point. I’m originally from Davenport, WA – but moved to the “Big City” of Spokane when I was 15. I moved in with my sister and brother-in-law for various reasons. Having to grow up a little sooner than most, I am thankful to have had my sister and brother-in-law’s support. I have been working since I was 16 and at times have had two jobs simultaneously. I believe that hard work is the key to getting what you want out of life. I continue to be motivated to work hard because of my wife, Kara, and our two children. They push me to work hard and dream big. My goal is to provide them with a life we could hardly have dreamt of.
I have been in the financial services industry for quite some time now and I have loved every second of it. I get to help make a difference in the lives of my clients, their families, and their communities. For me, trust and loyalty are what I want to build my relationships on. It is this trust that allows me to help clients change their lives! What a great motivation to continuously improve within my field. To me, it’s vital that I be a source of true value to those whom I work with.
My mission is to help families better their futures! Our team works with integrity and honor to ensure trust and satisfaction. I promise to bring expert problem-solving and top-of-the-line solutions for you and your family. Thank you for considering our firm! I look forward to working with you in the future!

College Funding Advisors
Stuart Grossman
Founder -
Chris Gray
Chief Executive Officer -
Kathy Steblaj
Student Counselor -
Anjeanette Sausedo
Student Aid Administrator -
Jon Terry
Client Services Manager -
Charles Spencer
Student Counselor -
Phil Serjeant
President -
Christy Laman
Student Counselor -
Ike Bircher
Associate -
Marah Avenger
Office Administrator -
Naveen Kang
Financial Services Processor -
Marie Krueger
Student Counselor -
Kathleen Hahn
Student Counselor